Sunday, December 2, 2007
First clothes can tell you where is person from, which country. Every country has its own clothes. And sometime when you see a person you can guess where the person from is. Sometime clothes can tell you what the person religion is. Each religion has its own clothes. For example Muslim women most have scarf and when you see a women with scarf you know she is the Muslim or Buddhist always shaving hair and they wear Buddhist clothes.
Clothes also can tell you what a person is thinking of, for example people who like rap music always dress up like rappers, which are big t-shirts and baggy pants. Or people who like metal always like to wear black clothes. Sometime clothes can tell you person is rich or poor, and another way to know the person is high class is clothes.
Finally clothes can tell you a lot of think about person, but I think clothes some time give people wrong information for example, when you see president of Iran clothes you don’t think he is a president.
Monday, November 26, 2007
A lot of think can tell about the person and clothes are one way. Clothes can tell you a lot about a person, but some time not. Some time you see a person wait cheap clothes you think his probably is poor, but some time you are wrong .however you can see a lot of rich person in the world don’t like to buy expensive clothes. Actually if they buy expensive clothes they didn’t be a rich. So far clothes can tell a lot about a person, but tow thing is usually clothes tell you.
First clothes can tell you where is person from, which country. Who ever any country has own clothes. And some time when you see a person you can guess where the person from is. Some time clothes can tell you what the person religion is. So far each religion has clothes. For example Muslim women most have scarf and when you see a women wait scarf you know she is Muslim or Buddhism always shaving hair and they wear bodes clothes.
Clothes also can tell you what person is thinking, for example people who like rap music they always dress up like rappers, which is big t-shirt and baggy pants. Or people like metal they always like to wear black cloths. Some time clothes can you person is rich or poor, and way to know the person is high class is clothes
Finally clothes can tell you a lot of think about person, but I think clothes some time give people wrong information for example, president of Iran when you see his clothes you don’t think he is a president .
Sunday, November 25, 2007
journal #26

First thing I always tanks god is my family. This years I tanks god for helping me to pass TOEFL. However I tanks god for giving me a good father; because of my father I can study in U.S. and have good future. actually I have a lot of think god gives me and I should tanks for it, for example, health, good life, good friends, study in U.S. and good teacher in this year’s who helping me a lot.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
journal# 25
Monday, November 12, 2007
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
journal 22
Sunday, October 21, 2007
American language program (ALP) has a lot of problems, and they must fix those problems to help students to study better. Since ALP has great teachers to help students to improve their English, and help them to pass a TOEFL with good scores. Alp has a three problem and if they didn’t fix the problems they couldn’t help students.
First problem they must fix are teachers. They have great teachers in alp, but some of them are not helpful in high level classes and they most teach in lower level classes. For example, when ALP accepts a new teacher they must put them in lower level classes. After the teachers can suitable in lower level classes then ALP can put them in advance level classes. But you can see in fall 2007 they accept new teachers but they put them in high level classes and the teacher are not helpful for those students who are in the high level classes.
Second problem is buildings they use for ALP students. After the class Alp students must walk far to another classroom, and they always get tired during the class. ALP must find a building only for ALP students for helping students save energy. Furthermore, teachers also get tired because ALP classes are far from alp office. If they could do this in the future it will be helpful for students and teachers.
The third problem is long break times. Students spend a lot of time between each class. And most of students in break time didn’t speak English and they just used their native language. Alp arranged long break time because they didn’t have enough buildings. So they can do another activity during class for example students can spend an hour with their teacher and classmates in the public place. It will be more helpful because student will use English. But now most students didn’t use their time in a good way.
Finally ALP will be the one of the best ESL Schools in the U.S if they fix the problems. So far they have great teachers in their program which is another school they don’t have. By the way ALP has one teacher who is always in level three, I think they must change her, or she needs to change her teaching ways to students for example, when I was in her class, most of student don’t like her class and they hate the teacher because she uses a wrong way to teach students. ALP must pay more attentions on students, and listen to students’ opinion, which is last time dean Norman told me.
journal #19
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
journal 17

If I could visit any place in the world I will go to Iran which is my hometown want visit Iran for their reason, first reason is that my family, I really missed my family. Last time I seen my family was 3 years ago. And if I don’t have visa problem I will go back in chrisms. the second reason I want go to Iran is to visit one city that I want visited 3 years ago when I was in Iran, but I couldn’t visited because I had bad accident .i wish I could visit this city one time. finally ,friends I had a lot of friend I didn’t seen them I really missed my friend I want see all of them, but most of them are marrid.bay the way the water in my country is a amazing you can see 3 season at same time in Iran
Sunday, October 7, 2007
journal 18
journal 15
Sunday, September 30, 2007
journal 14
journal # 13

most of people think the best place is hometown, and I think my favorite place is my hometown too. I think we didn’t answer the question. We like hometown because we grow there and we have a lot of friend. I have a lot of favorite place and I want to tell you one of my favorite places. My favorite place in U.S is Niagara Falls in buffalo. Niagara Falls is between America and Canada. And I lived there for six month. In spring city always is white because of snow. But in summer have different water, slake and cold at night. and in summer a lot of people going to Niagara falls.
Monday, September 24, 2007
journal #10
Thursday, September 20, 2007
ghost stori reading class
The next night, the laundress slipped out of bed to watch the Army of the Dead pass. She stood spell-bound by the window as a gray fog rolled passed. Within the fog, she could see the shapes of horses, and could hear gruff human voices and the rumble of canons being dragged through the street, followed by the sound of marching feet. Foot soldiers, horsemen, ambulances, wagons and canons passed before her eyes, all shrouded in gray. After what seemed like hours, she heard a far off bugle blast, and then silence.
When the laundress came out of her daze, she found one of her arms was paralyzed. She has never done a full days washing since.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
journal #8
journal #7
I remember Ramadan in 9 years ago we are waiting to a pray time at 5 to start eating a diner. At this time phone was ringing, it was my cousin he live in my hometown and he said we is grandmother I said she is cooking. after he said this he start to caring I asked whets wrong wait you why you are caring he said uncles had bad acceded and they are in hospital .however we went their and 3 of my uncle and my cousin die in same day, and it was a bad time for my family I didn’t see my mother for 3 years happy .
Sunday, September 9, 2007
journal#1 Memories in Iran
journal #6 different type of music
We have lots of different types of music. Every country has its own music and music can be the symbol of that country. Some times when you hear music, you can understand its origin or country. All of the countries in the world have Pop music. Pop is the new type of music which is popular between the young age’s people. Hip Hop is another new type of music which is very popular in U.S. I believe that most of the families in the U.S. don’t like it when their children listen to Hip Hop. Mainly because bad words is being used in HiHop
journal #5The Ceremony of Light and Fire
The Ceremony of Light and Fire is among the Persian for more than 3000 years. This beautiful Ceremony is being practiced by Persians every year at the last Wendsday of the year. at the day of the ceremony, people go to the beach’s or gardens and parks. Beside gathering and having fun, they start a fire and like the old tradition of Persians, they jump over the fire while they pray to 'Ahoramazda' the Ancient God of Persians
journal #4 food
In most cultures, people don’t like fast food. Iranian culture doesn’t like fast food too. Most of the people in Iran eats the healthy homemade food or the nutrition food. They think and believe that eating the home made food make them live longer. In Iran, most of the people like rice with their meal, they believe that a food without rice is not a food. Each city has their own food , but you will find rice in most of the meals. In Iran the younger age usually eats fast food very much. But basically people don’t like fast food for three reasons; fast food is unhealthy, fast food make people sad and sick and fast food make people addicted. The first reason people in Iran don’t like fast food is the think fast food isn’t healthy. People in iran believe that food have to be fresh so it have vitamin but fast food is not fresh and makes people fat. Younger people in Iran think different and eat fast food in college or school. Some people like to eat fast food every once in a while because they believe that it’s not going to cause any problem. Maybe in future more people will eat fast food because it’s easier to cook and its faster than going to restaurant.
journal #3 marriage in iran
In the knowledgeable arrange marriage, usually parents will pick the girl or the bride for their son. it’s not that simple that I'm talking about, the girl’s parents have to agree with this marriage and the girl too. in this type, Parents of the boy pick the best girl that they like for their son, than they will introduce the girl to the boy. After that if boy liked the girl and girl like him too, the parents will go into the talking and make the marriage possible. int he other type of knowledgeable marriage, is that boy sees the girls but doesn't make any contact with the girl, then he will try to found out that girl likes him or not, if it was so that girl liked him, he will tell her parents. and parents will do the rest. all of these were common habits in old days, but there still common between classic families.
journal #2
Confusing time in my life was 3years ago. When I had 2chose but I must choose one.
Every years after Ramadan (big holiday for Muslim)we have best holiday , in this holiday I had a bad time, two of my girl friends had separate party In this holiday and I had to go to both parties. They both didn’t know that I’m in relationship with them I was very confused that day and spend lots of time to think what to do suddenly one of the parties got canceled.
Finding a job
One of the most important things in the life is job, finding a job is very difficult in some countries. In Iran most of the people cannot find a job in their major. I think most people in the world have this problem and they can’t find the job. some people living in different city or country because they cannot find a job. for example most Iranian taxi driver are graduated in university, because after they graduated in university they couldn’t find a job in there major. For three reason people can’t find a job in Iran.
The firs reason the people who graduated in university couldn’t find a job is traffics job, for example in Iran most people want to be a doctor. but the problem is we have a lot of doctor, and a few of them can finding a job. for this reason most people thinking about another country but it’s difficult to work in other country. and they must spend a lot of money to transfer to other country and most of them don’t have money. because of this most graduated people working in different major of job.
The second reason the people who graduated in university cannot finding a job is they choose the major it’s hard to finding a job in those major. and after they graduated from university they cannot finding a job. I think every one before chose a major must cheek about the job. are there money job for this major we are choosing, we must cheek what job is must commend in country. And few people taking this job, and its easy to find a job and were you can finding a job
The third reason that I can talk about it is the governments’ problem to make a job. in some countries, for example in Iran, the government have problems with “offering“ jobs for different kind of majors when a student who is graduated from university entrees the society, he or she faces with empty options of jobs when government doesn’t think on different jobs for different majors, the students who getting ready for work in their major get confused, and because they can’t work in their major, they are “forced“ to work in other works such as taxi driver : the governments lack of supporting jobs is most important reason of all.
Finely I have to point out that there are lots of reasons people can't find job, but the three most important one are; some people choose majors that there is lots of people working in it and that make them find a job that is not their major. The second reason is that some students choose a major that is hard to find job for it. The last reason is the government’s problem to create jobs for different majors.
journal # 1How to be study for test
How to be study for test
Most students have this problem, and they don no how can they study for a test. May be some student know how can study but most important thing is a mange your time. Time is most important thing for study for a test because you must finish your book before a test, if you can’t finished before the test you probably missing a point in exam .I think place is important too. Some people like study in park or in a library depends on person .time and place is more important thing for study for a test